GSO Test

Hello and a warm welcome to the Year 1 class page!

Year 1 Timetable Autumn 1

Year 1 Curriculum Map

Myself (Miss Dunningham) and Miss Valentina will be supporting the children Year 1.

House keeping

The children will have their reading books changed twice a week – Mondays and Thursdays.

Their PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday. The children should come to school in their PE kits and will wear them for the rest of the day.

The children will bring home a paper copy of their homework. This should be completed and uploaded to Tapestry by the following Monday.

Keep checking this page for further information and some pictures from our lessons! View the knowledge organisers to see what your child will be learning in every subject.

Any questions… please get in touch via communications at the school office.


Autumn 1 in Year 1


Reading is a priority in Year 1 as the children will have to be assessed in their phonics in June. We will continue using Bug Club to learn our sounds. It is important that you read every night at home and we will change the books twice a week. Please access more reading materials on the Bug Club website.

In our English lessons we will begin by writing labels and captions. We will use the sounds we have learnt in phonics to spell words phonetically. The children will use the stories The Little Red Hen and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt as their focus texts.

Your child will have handwriting sessions in small groups throughout the week. Please ensure you are supporting your child with the correct formations and pencil grip.

Your child will receive weekly spellings in their homework which should be learned ready for the ‘spelling check’ on Fridays. You can access their spellings and other resources on the Spelling Frame website.

Year 1 Writing Targets

Year 1 Reading Targets


The first half term of Year 1 is revising what was taught in Reception. All children will feel confident with numbers to 10, including addition and subtraction. Please log onto Mathletics and TT rockstars for further maths resources.

Year 1 Maths Targets


The children will explore materials in science this half term. They will explore why they objects are made from a particular material depending on the materials properties.

Science Knowledge Organiser


The children will learn the Creation Story. We will find out what God created on each day.

RE Knowledge Organiser


We will teach geography and history on alternate weeks so we will continue these topics throughout the whole of the autumn term. In geography we will be looking at the United Kingdom. The children will use maps and we will compare different places in the UK.

Geography Knowledge Organiser



We will be exploring colour this term. This will involve learning the primary and secondary colours and explore colour mixing.

Art Knowledge Organiser


The topic for this half term in our Jigsaw lessons is ‘Being Me in My World’. The children will look at how to be a good friend, how you can well as a team and how we can learn best as an individual and class. The children will also take part in meditation as part of the lesson. 


This half term the children will use Beebots to explore programming. The children will use the language forwards, backwards, left and right to move the Beebot from one place to another.


Computing Knowledge Organiser


In our Spanish lessons we will learn basic common greetings. This will be through the use of songs and rhymes.


The children will have music once a week. The topic is called ‘Music and Me’ which will involve the children learning basic rhythms.


The children will have PE twice a week with our specialist sports coach. They will be looking at attacking, defending and shooting as a skill in various sports. They will also have a few gymnastic sessions. The children will come into school in their PE kits and wear them for the remainder of the day.

Other exciting things happening this half term...

Harvest Service

Black History Month




Autumn 2 in Year 1



In our writing lessons the children will study a range of stories and change parts of the story to make it their own. We are learning about what makes a good writer- someone who thinks before they write, starts with a capital letter, uses finger spaces and ends with a full stop.



The children are making brilliant progress with their phonics. We will be moving onto phase 5 on Bug Club. In this phase we will looking deeper into the sounds we have already learnt and the different ways we can make those sounds e.g. ai, ay, a_e. Moreover, the children will continue to learn to spell the tricky words.


Please continue to read every night with your child using the resources in their reading folder. You should begin by revising the sounds from the sound mats then read their book. Any unknown sounds or words should be recorded in their reading record so they can be the priority in the next session. Please log into Bug Club for more reading resources such as books and games.


The main focus for this half term in addition and subtraction. The children will learn the pictorial representations below to help support their understanding of adding and subtracting. Just before the end of term we will spend a week on 2D and 3D shapes. Please continue to practise number formations, ensuring they are facing the correct way.



In science we will be learning about our senses.

Autumn 2 - Science Knowledge Organiser


The children will spend a few lessons learning about why saints are important to Christianity and then we will move onto learning about the Christmas Story. The children are really looking forward to learning their Nativity show!

Autumn 2 - RE Knowledge Organiser


The children will continue to explore toys and how they have changed over time. We are looking at going on our first school trip of the year to Fulham Palace Museum for a workshop about the Victorians to learn about what life was like back then.

Autumn 2 - History Knowledge Organiser


In our Jigsaw lessons the children will be celebrating difference. This will involve sharing and comparing different families and to celebrate everyone is unique but we are all just as wonderful!


The children will love this computing unit… it’s certainly one of my favourites! The children will learn the basics of video and will build up presenting a cookery show. They will work in small groups to present and film making a smoothie.

We Are Chefs Knowledge Organiser


We will continue to learn songs that include numbers and greetings.


We will start to learn the songs reading for their Nativity show.


Mr Maura will teach the children on a Wednesday and Friday.

Other exciting things happening this half term…

Poetry recital

DT day


Children in Need

Our Nativity! The Big Little Nativity

Please visit our website to see the children in action!

Christmas Party



Spring 1 in Year 1


Spring 1 Timetable



We will be exploring the books Handa’s Surprise and Oliver’s Vegetables. The children will build on their simple sentence writing skills to create more varied and interesting sentences. We will learn how to use adjectives to describe the animals and foods in our focus texts.

We have learnt all of phase 3 and 4 sounds so we are working our way through the phase 5 sounds. These are alternative spellings of the same sounds for example ‘ee’ can be written as ‘ea, e-e, ie, ey’ and ‘y’. Alongside our phonic sound for the week we will learn to read and write tricky words that cannot be sounded out.

There will be a heavy focus on reading ahead of the phonic screening check in June. The children will learn how to use their phonic knowledge to decode ‘alien words’ that are made up words.


The children will have a spelling check every Friday which will include sounds that we have focused on that week in Phonics. Please log onto Spelling Frame for further practise to support your child's spelling.



Please continue to read every night with your child using the resources in their reading folder. You should begin by revising the sounds from the sound mats then read their book. Any unknown sounds or words should be recorded in their reading record so they can be the priority in the next session. Please log into Bug Club for more reading resources such as books and games.



We will learn place value, addition and subtraction, length/height and weight/mass. We will continue to use White Rose as a base of our maths lessons. The children will become confident with manipulating numbers up to 20.


The topic is ‘The World’ so we will explore countries and continents. We will learn some songs to help us to remember these.


The topic is ‘Explorers’ so we will learn about famous explorers from around the world.

Explorers Knowledge Organiser


We will create various artwork to explore tones.

Tones Knowledge Organiser


 We are moving onto animals in Science! The children will explore a range of different kind of animals and their habitats.

Plants Knowledge Organiser


We will learn about the religion Judaism.

Judaism Knowledge Organiser


The children will learn the basic controls of a computer. The children will get an opportunity to practise typing and saving their work. Additionally, the children will learn how to take an effective photograph and edit it to improve. They will save their work independently to Showbie.

We are painters Knowledge Organiser


We will learn numbers 1-10 through fun songs and activities.


The topic is ‘Goals’ so the children will celebrate their achievements and think of ways to improve.


The children will have music once a week. The topic is called ‘In the Groove’ where we will be learning about different music styles.


Mr Maura will teach the children on a Wednesday and Friday.


Other exciting things happening this half term…

Year 1 Class Assembly
DT Day

Please use these links to support your child at home:

Bug club phonics -

White Rose Mathematics -

Timestables Rockstars -

Mathletics -

Yoga -