GSO Test


Welcome to Reception

Our Reception class teacher is Miss Miller 

Our Early Years Educator is Miss Wheeler


Early Learning Goals

Phonics and Reading in Reception

Curriculum Map

Weekly Timetable


Spring One in Reception

 This half term, our theme will be Once Upon a Time…

Literacy and Communication and Language

This half term, the children will be learning a range of traditional tales, including The Gingerbread Man, Three Little Pigs and Jack and the Beanstalk.

We will use Talk4Writing strategies to help the children remember these stories and innovate their own.



The children will continue learning new sounds in phonics using Bug Club Phonics.

To access online resources, please use the link below with your child's login details.


Bug club phonics -





In Reception, White Rose Maths supports our planning, teaching and learning. Over the half term, the children will cover the following areas of learning –

Introducing zero

Comparing numbers to 5

Composition of 4 and 5

Compare mass and capacity

Growing 6,7,8

Combining two amounts

Making pairs

These will be taught through a range of whole-class teaching, small group sessions and challenges that the children can access independently through our provision.


White Rose Mathematics -


Personal, Social, and Emotional development

We teach PSED using the Jigsaw scheme of learning. Our next focus will be Dreams and Goals. The children will be learning about aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.


Understanding the World

The children will look at simple maps and have a go at making their own. They will gain an understanding of their local environment and how that compares to other places in the U.K. and around the world. The children will develop their sense of time and compare people and places of the past with the present.


Physical Development

PE sessions will continue to be led by Mr Moura at the Scott Hall. In class, the children will continue to develop their fine motor skills through a range of weekly activities in our provision.


Expressive Arts and Design

During this half term in Art, the children will focus on creating different shapes within art. The children will develop their cutting skills by making different shapes and assembling them. The children will also have access to various mediums based on their interests and our theme for the half term – Once Upon a Time.

We sing and make music all the time in reception, and the children have access to a range of musical instruments during child-initiated learning times. The children will also have a weekly music lesson following our school scheme Charanga.



Each week, the children will attend a Spanish session taught by Ms Jensen. This will be held in the Art Room every Tuesday.



In R.E. this half term, our topic will be - Why do Christians believe Jesus is special? This unit will teach the children that Christians believe Jesus loves everyone, is God’s son, was God born as a human (Incarnation;) works miracles, including healing people and teaches people to love others.



Autumn Two in Reception

 This half term, our theme will be - Celebrations


Literacy and Communication and Language 

This half term, the children will learn about different celebrations around the world. They will do this with a range of non-fiction and fiction texts, including Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, Funny Bones by Janet and Allen Alberg, and The Christmas Pine by Julia Donaldson as we get closer to Christmas.                    


We will continue our communication and language skills by introducing the children to the Everywhere Bear. He will be coming home with a different child each weekend, and they will have an opportunity to talk about what they got up to with him.


The children will continue to learn single-letter sounds in phonics. They will be encouraged to independently begin writing VC (vowel-consonant) and CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. 

We will continue to use the phonics scheme Bug Club Phonics. I will be uploading weekly tasks and books onto the children’s Bug Club accounts; these directly link to the sounds that the children are learning in their sessions.


Bug club phonics -




In Reception, we use the White Rose Maths to support our planning, teaching and learning. Over the half term, the children will cover the following areas of learning –

  • Representing, Comparing and composing 1,2,3
  • Circles and triangles
  • Representing numbers to 5
  • One more and one less
  • Shapes with four sides


These will be taught through a range of whole-class teaching, small group sessions and challenges that the children can access independently through our provision.


White Rose Mathematics -


Personal, Social, and Emotional development

We teach PSED using the Jigsaw scheme of learning. This term’s focus is Celebrating Difference. The children will have many opportunities to discuss what makes them unique, what they have in common, and how to respect others’ opinions and beliefs.


Understanding the World

The children will be learning about the community where they live; they will talk and learn about their local environment. The children will explore different maps and have a go at creating their own. We will talk about different people in the community and their roles. The children will also learn about different religious beliefs.


Physical Development

The children will have two P.E. sessions weekly, led by Mr Moura in the Scott Hall. In class, the children will continue to develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of weekly activities in our provision.


Expressive Arts and Design 

This half term in Art, we will focus on the skill of basic colour mixing. The children will learn which colours to select and use for different purposes and how to create secondary colours. The children will also access various materials based on their interests and our theme for the half term – Celebrations.

We sing and make music all the time in Reception, and the children have access to a range of musical instruments during child-initiated learning times. The children will also have a weekly music lesson following our school scheme Charanga.The theme for this half term is called 'Stories'



Each week, the children will attend a Spanish session taught by Ms Jensen. This will be held in the Art room every Tuesday.



Why is Christmas so special to Christians? 

In R.E. this half term, our big question will be – Why is Christmas so special to Christians?


  • The story of Jesus’ birth
  • The emotions of the characters in the Christmas story
  • Preparing for Christmas
  • Christmas is a special time for Christians and why: God came to earth in human form, as Jesus.
  • Jesus’ birth brings a message of joy, peace and good news.



Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith





Autumn One in Reception


This half term, our theme will be All About Me.


Literacy and Communication and Language


This half term, the children will have plenty of opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. They will share their interests, likes and dislikes with their new friends. We will talk about starting school and learn to share our feelings. We will use a range of texts to support this, including The Colour Monster and The Colour Monster Goes to School by Anna Llenas and Rubies Worry by Tom Percival.





The children will also begin more formal phonics sessions. They will learn single-letter sounds such as s, a, t, p, i, n.

At St Peter's, we use the phonics scheme Bug Club Phonics. This will be further discussed in our upcoming phonics parent meeting. 


Bug club phonics -








In Reception, we use the White Rose Maths to support our planning, teaching and learning. Over the course of the half term, the children will cover the following areas of learning –

Matching and Sorting

Comparing amounts 

Compare Size, Mass and Capacity

 Exploring Pattern


These will be taught through a range of whole-class teaching, small group sessions and challenges that the children can access independently through our provision.


White Rose Mathematics -




Personal, Social, and Emotional development


We teach PSED using the Jigsaw scheme of learning. This term’s focus is - Being me in our world. The children will learn what it means to belong to a community by establishing relationships with others, being kind and managing their feelings and emotions.  




Understanding the World


The children will be learning about the seasonal changes from summer to autumn and will do this through a range of observations. They will discuss significant people in their lives and their roles in society. 




Physical Development


The children will have two P.E. sessions a week, led by Mr Moura in the Scott Hall. In class, the children will continue to develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of weekly activities in our provision.



Expressive Arts and Design


This half term in Art, we will focus on the drawing skills of self-portraits and people. The children will explore using different colours and materials to create representations of themselves. The children will also have access to various mediums based on their interests and our theme for the half term – All About Me.


We sing and make music all the time in Reception, and the children have access to a range of musical instruments during child-initiated learning times. The children will also have a weekly music lesson following our school scheme Charanga.The theme for this half term is called 'Me!'



Each week, the children will attend a Spanish session taught by Ms Jensen. This will be held in the Scott Hall every Tuesday.




In R.E. this half term, our topic will be – Who Made The Wonderful World? This unit will teach the children about the Creation Story and why our world is special. The children will also learn about the Harvest Festival.  


